Easy, quick and powerful programming


What's coming in AppGameKit 2.0.17?

Rolling out later in February will be a new version of AppGameKit featuring some very cool features. We're sure you're going to have a lot of fun using them and we cannot wait to see what you create.

An important toolset for any game developer is a great terrain system. AppGameKit will feature commands that make it very easy to generate a terrain on which you can base your games. Here's a screen shot from the current progress on terrain, this first image is a 512x512 terrain matrix which is typical of what many users will use to create a landscape. The colours are generated by a shader based on height which we'll include in a demo when we release V2.0.17

AppGameKit Player Released on iOS!

Great news for AppGameKit 2 users. Apple have approved the release of the AppGameKit Player app (V2.0.16) onto the iOS store. This means you can now compile and broadcast to any iOS devices running the app.

You'll find the free to download app right here; AppGameKit V2.0.16 iOS Player

AppGameKit Survey

We currently have a live AppGameKit survey running online. We're keen to learn what our users feel are the most important features and improvements for AppGameKit moving forward.

So far we've had a couple of hundred of your responses and we still want to hear from many more of you. So please help to shape the development choices for this brand by taking a few minutes to fill it in.