Today the AppGameKit Sound Library has received another expansion of 30 new sounds! It's also on offer at 40% discount so a great time to pick up this useful add-on for your game making projects.
The pack now contains a new spells & potions category which includes all these sounds:
- DrinkQuaff.wav
- MagicTwinkles.wav
- PoofOfSmoke.wav
- PotionAcid.wav
- PotionAnimal.wav
- PotionBad.wav
- PotionBoost.wav
- PotionGain.wav
- PotionHeal.wav
- PotionMagical.wav
- PotionPlain.wav
- PotionWeakness.wav
- ScrollBad.wav
- ScrollEnhance.wav
- ScrollGood.wav
- ScrollMagical.wav
- ScrollMissile.wav
- ScrollPlain.wav
- ScrollReveal.wav
- SpellBookOpen.wav
- SpellBookPage.wav
- SpellBoost.wav
- SpellHappy.wav
- SpellHeal.wav
- SpellLightningFork.wav
- SpellPlain.wav
- SpellTeleport.wav
- SpellTransform.wav
- SpellTwinkle.wav
- SpellWeaponBoost.wav