// load the image into memory and create a memblock from it
image = LoadImage("my_image.jpg")
memblock = CreateMemblockFromImage(image)
// get the meta data of the image
width = GetMemblockInt(memblock, 0)
height = GetMemblockInt(memblock, 4)
size = GetMemblockSize(memblock)
// we start at 12 because the first 12 bytes are taken up with meta data and so this is where the bitmap begins
// we continue until size - 1 because memblocks start as index 0 and so position size is not part of the memblock
// we step 4 each time as each pixel is represented by four bytes of data (red, green, blue, alpha)
for c = 12 to size - 1 step 4
// each color byte is inverted
SetMemblockByte(memblock, c, 255 - GetMemblockByte(memblock, c))
SetMemblockByte(memblock, c + 1, 255 - GetMemblockByte(memblock, c + 1))
SetMemblockByte(memblock, c + 2, 255 - GetMemblockByte(memblock, c + 2))
// the alpha (position c + 3) is ignored because we don't want to invert that
next c
// create a new image and sprite from the inverted memblock (the source image is unaffected)
invertedColorImage = CreateImageFromMemblock(memblock)
sprite = CreateSprite(invertedColorImage)
SetSpriteSize(sprite, 100, -1)
// display the inverted image
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