

Sets the ScaleX parameter of the given tween ID. The scale is absolute so a value of 1.0 will be normal size, whilst 2.0 would be two times bigger. A Tween can modify several parameters of an object at the same time. Set the begin value and the end value and an interpolation method. A tween is just a template that can be applied to many objects or chains at the same time with PlayTweenObject or AddTweenChainObject. Available interpolation methods are TweenLinear(), TweenSmooth1(), TweenSmooth2(), TweenEaseIn1(), TweenEaseIn2(), TweenEaseOut1(), TweenEaseOut2(), TweenBounce(), TweenOvershoot() Use an interpolation method of -1 to turn off interpolation on this value


SetTweenObjectScaleX( tweenID, beginSX, endSX, interpolation )
