

Sets the default font to use for text objects. The AGK has a built in font that it uses for text objects, this allows you to override it. If you do choose to override it you must do so before creating any text objects. You can set the font on a per text basis using SetTextFontImage. The image should contain all white characters surrounded by a transparent alpha channel. Fully transparent pixels should also contain white in their RGB components.

The font image may either be fixed width or variable width. For fixed width the font image must be laid out in a grid of 16 characters across and 6 characters down, starting with the ascii character 32 (space) in the top left and proceeding left to right, top to bottom, ending with ascii character 127 (DEL) in the bottom right. The image width must be divisible by 16 and the image height must be divisible by 6. For variable width the image must be an atlas texture accompanied by a subimages.txt file that states the location of each character on the image. The AGK will look for images "32" up to and including "127" in the subimages file and any not found will default to the space character (32).


SetTextDefaultFontImage( iImageID )
