

When SetSpriteTransparency is set to 3 then the source and destination blend values can be specified manually using this command. The blend modes available are as follows:
0 = 0
1 = 1
2 = Source Pixel Alpha
3 = 1 - Source Pixel Alpha
4 = Destination Pixel Alpha
5 = 1 - Destination Pixel Alpha
6 = Source Pixel Color (valid for destination mode only)
7 = 1 - Source Pixel Color (valid for destination mode only)
8 = Destination Pixel Color (valid for source mode only)
9 = 1 - Destination Pixel Color (valid for source mode only)
10 = Alpha Saturate (valid for source mode only)
The source pixel will be multiplied by the source mode, and the destination pixel will be multiplied by the destination mode. The two will then be added together to make the final pixel color. The source pixel is the pixel belonging to the object being drawn, whilst the destination pixel is the color of the pixel already on screen, which the current sprite is being drawn over.


SetSpriteBlendModes( iSpriteIndex, src, dst )
