Begins the animation of a sprite based on the given values. Animation speed is based on animation frames per second and is not affected by the drawing frame rate.
PlaySprite( iSpriteIndex )
void agk::PlaySprite( uint32_t iSpriteIndex )
PlaySprite( iSpriteIndex, fFps )
void agk::PlaySprite( uint32_t iSpriteIndex, float fFps )
PlaySprite( iSpriteIndex, fFps, iLoop )
void agk::PlaySprite( uint32_t iSpriteIndex, float fFps, int iLoop )
PlaySprite( iSpriteIndex, fFps, iLoop, iFromFrame, iToFrame )
void agk::PlaySprite( uint32_t iSpriteIndex, float fFps, int iLoop, int iFromFrame, int iToFrame )
- iSpriteIndex - The ID of the sprite to animate.
- fFps - Frames per second. The number of frames the sprite should attempt to cycle through every second (optional, default 10).
- iLoop - The looping mode of the sprite, 0 equals do not loop, 1 equals loop forever (optional, default 1).
- iFromFrame - The frame to begin at, frames start at 1 (optional, default minus 1).
- iToFrame - The frame to end at, frames end at GetSpriteFrameCount (optional, default minus 1).